Join Our Team

You are a highly motivated student in Aachen who wants to work on aerospace projects? Space Team Aachen offers the opportunity to work on diverse space-related projects.

How to join STA ?

If you're interested in our projects and would like to join our endeavour, you have to apply for a membership. You can either apply for one of our open positions, or send us a spontaneous application for the project or task of your choice. You just need to let us know what you would like to work on! An application typically entails your CV and a text letting us know why you want to join STA and what you would like to work on. You can find all the information on the application process and what documents you need to send us on our "join us" page.

Do I have to study engineering to join STA ?

Absolutely not! Any student can join our association, regardless of their studies. As long as you are registered at the FH or RWTH Aachen, you're good to go.

Can I join STA if I have no previous knowledge in rocketry ?

Of course! Close to noone joins STA having previous experience with designing and building rocket or space experiments. If you're willing to learn and put in the necessary work, anything is possible.

Does the membership cost anything ?

In order for us to be able to organize events and take part in competitions, the membership to STA costs 5 € a month. In exchange for this small amount, we are able to work on incredible projects and get to organize events where the association pays for food and beverages.

How much time am I expected to invest for STA ?

Depending on the team and position you would be joining, you can expect to spend between 6 and 10 hours a week working on your project. This is of course just a ballpark estimate as your workload depends on many factors such as the task you would be taking on, the project schedule, your availability, etc. At the end of the day, how much work you put in is up to you. Nevertheless, if you intend on making a difference for the team, you will have to work reliably.

How can I support STA ?

If you are unable to join STA but would still like to support us in our activities, feel free to make a donation to our association

Current Open positions


Sponsorship Officer

An association is only as good as its network. So help us expand and ensure a stable future for rocketry in Aachen!

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Social Media Officer
Social Media

Social media is one of the most important marketing channels of STA. Are you ready to engage, enlighten and encourage the community?

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A picture is worth a thousand words. Join us as a photo/videographer and polish STA with your creative outcome.

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Merchandise Officer

As a merchandise officer you will perform your creativity and skills from stickers to hoodies and patches. What else can bring a team together other than team merch?

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Event Coordinator

Are you a fan of good networking events, socialization and people? As an event coordinator, you will make your and STA's dreams come true.

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Marketing Officer

What separates good content from great content is a willingness to take risks and push the envelope. Wanna become our marketing officer and make people open the envelope to rocketry and aerospace science?

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Web Development
Organisation & Marketing (O&M)

Having a good web presence in the digital age is a must have. Help us maintain and improve this and interal sites.

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Avionics Engineer

As an avionics engineer for the TRACER project, you will be part of the avionics team responsible for designing the electrical components, testing the different subsystems, designing PCBs and writing the software.

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Fluid Dynamics Simulation Engineer

Work on a an active transpiration cooling system using computational fluid dynamics for our project TRACER.

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Embedded Software Engineer
Electronics & Software

As an embedded software developer for the Hopper Project, you will be part of the electronics team, responsible for coding microcontrollers, developing control and analysis software for both, the rocket and ground segments, and designing the internal communication infrastructure using various bus systems.

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Control Engineer

You will work on tasks like tuning the control algorithm, which ensures a stable flight of the rocket, improving the Kalman Filter and much more.

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Hardware Engineer

As a hardware engineer for the Hopper Project, you will be part of the electronics team responsible for designing the electrical components, testing the different subsystems, designing PCBs and much more. Additionally, you may have the opportunity to work on tasks in other areas, such as in the software department, if you are willing.

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Mechanical Engineer

This position is ideal for anyone with an interest in robotics and mechanical design. We offer the chance to gain hands-on experience in an exciting student project, including the design and manufacturing of rover parts.

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Software Engineer

Every project requires a robust software. Join our software team and support them in the development of the rover's firmware and more.

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Ground Control Station UI Developer

This position in the software team of the project SCORPIUS involves the development of a graphical user interface for real time data visualization and rover control.

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Control and Navigation

For the software team of the SCORPIUS project we are looking for talented people who want to develop navigation algorithms with the help of sensor fusion techniques.

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EuRoC 2026

No open positions.


No open positions.

Your interests don't match the above positions, but you're eager to join us? Then feel free to send us an open application!