Aquila consists of the nose cone, recovery-, accessible- and engine section. The nose cone consists of a tip made of aluminum and glass fiber, von Karman shaped ogive. The payload is located inside the nose cone. The ejection system and parachutes are part of the recovery section, allowing the rocket to land safely on the ground. The accessible section is an original and completely novel design of Space Team Aachen. The section consists of three removable covers made of fiberglass-reinforced polyamide and three steel rods that allow easy and quick access to the rocket's critical systems, including the engine and recovery electronics. Hence, it eliminates the need to disassemble the rocket to access the electronics and assures that each subteam can work independently on their system. The engine section is composed of the motor, the fins and the boattail. To achieve the targeted apogee of 9 000 m, a Cesaroni 19318-N3301-P commercial off-the-shelf engine is used. The two fuselage tubes of the recovery and thruster sections are manufactured using a split-mould process with carbon-fibre-reinforced polymers. The four fins are made of fiberglass-reinforced polymers and are attached to the rocket using a designed 3D-printed alignment fixture. To reduce drag and dissipate the experienced forces when the rocket touches down, the boattail is made of aluminum.
First competition rocket to exceed the speed of sound and to reach 9000 m.