Aquila Maris is Space Team Aachen’s new rocket project, scheduled to launch from the new German Offshore Spaceport in the North Sea as part of Demo Mission #1 organized by GOSA, the German Offshore Spaceport Alliance. Building on the design our student team had developed for its participation at the Spaceport America Cup2023, the planned launch from a floating sea platform and subsequent recovery of our rocket from the middle of the ocean results in a completely new set of challenges to resolve.
3.6 m
13 km
Max speed
1.8 Mach
SEA Recovery in 10 km radius
October 2023
Project Kick-Off
November 2023
Preliminary Design
December 2023
Manufacturing Phase
February 2024
Testing Phase
July 2024
We are grateful for the generous support we receive from our sponsors and institutes.
Interested in launching the first student-built rocket from sea? We still have open positions!